One-On-One Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling

  • Weight Loss and Maintenance
  • Emotional and Disordered Eating
  • General Health and Wellness
  • Adolescent Nutrition
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Pre and Post Natal Nutrition
  • Medical Nutrition Therapy (Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal and Diabetes Management)
  • Pre-Wedding Nutrition and Wellness
  • Food Allergies and Intolerances
  • Specialty Diets (Gluten Free and Vegetarian)

Initial and Follow-Up Meetings

The initial consultation is a 75 minute meeting which includes a thorough review of each individual’s medical history, any pertinent lab values and a discussion of typical food intake and dietary preferences. Food habits and behaviors will be explored in order to achieve a personalized plan tailored to each individual. The pros and cons of following a plan consisting of structured eating or complete intuitive eating will be reviewed. The goal is to decrease the need for calorie counting and restrictive diets and improve each individual’s relationship with food. Through this process, intuition, accountability and knowledge become a fundamental part of making smart choices and eating confidently. Follow-up meetings are 45 minutes and will focus on behavioral change and food modification in order to achieve optimal and long lasting results

Grocery Store Tours

Grocery stores can be overwhelming, even for savviest of shoppers. Complicated nutrition labels and the number of choices on each aisle can make shopping daunting and overwhelming. Navigating the grocery store is another service offered by Creative Nutrition to teach how to shop nutritiously and efficiently! This 90-minute session will help clients feel like grocery store pros.

Dining Out Experience

Restaurants can be overwhelming and scary to those either in recovery from disordered eating or those watching their waistline. Dining sessions are offered to those who want to have a meal in a safe environment and be guided along the way.